Saturday 15 February 2014



 In the post modern period, liberalization, privatization, & globalization bring out the various changes in different spheres. The nature of narration has changed; the concept of nation challenged by the new economic policies. World becomes global village. The idea of communication has been changing constantly, due to the explosion of various devices of communication. When the way of communication has been changing definitely there are multiple effects on language terminology and literary narration. The paper focuses on, in which way the effects come out on nation, narration & folklore. Whether the new economic policies challenges to the concept of nation & narration, it is attempted through this paper.
The life style of human beings complicated in the post modern period .people has started to come close, way of talking, dressing and glomming food habits, life style, language, philosophy, and over all understanding have been changing. As a literary person, it should focus on all these changing scenario of the life. Life is most precious gift for human being. Kipping this hypothesis in mind paper tries to explain the correlation between nations, folklore and narration. In the 21st century lingua franca of the world must understand, then we could come across the literary genre very well.
The post modernism a & Post structuralism are partners in the same paradigm and there is bound to be some overlap between the two; some people use them even interchangeably but it may be better to make some distinction in their use. The overlap and the distinction may be shown as, Post modernism deals with, a condition, a vision, a state of mind, a way of life, an attitude, & culture. Whereas ,Post structuralism deals with, textualism, minute reading of the literary genre or anti reading of literary genre.
Both Post Modernism & Post Structuralism share the view of ontological uncertainty, offer a critique of ideas regarding order and unity in language, art and subjectivity; both repudiate convictions and question wholeness, autonomy, grand theories negate reality both believe that everything is fiction and there is no realism; politics history, sociology, psychology and even sciences are all fiction according to both these points of view. Post- Structuralism is more language based whereas Post Modernism presents a vision and a way of life.
Postmodernism is an artistic, architectural, philosophical, and cultural movement or condition, said to arise after and in reaction to modernism. According to many commentators, whereas modernism frames itself as the culmination of the Enlightenment's quest for an authoritatively-rational aesthetics, ethics, and knowledge, postmodernism is concerned with how the authority of those would-be-ideals, sometimes called metanarratives, are subverted through fragmentation, consumerism, and deconstruction.
What is "postmodernism"? Postmodernism began as a theory of literature and literary criticism, concerned with the properties of the literary text, meaning, and reading. It focuses on the role of language. Concern with language quickly led postmodernists to deal with human nature, explaining what being human is and what it means to be human. As a theory of postmodernism claims, speaking of human beings that "language is our home." Language here refers to spoken discursive language. According to postmodernism, it is our possession of language that makes us human. Language distinguishes us absolutely from animals. Everything human about us is contained within language. Consciousness, thinking, and behaviour are based in language and have no source outside language. Postmodernism arose after World War II in Europe. By the 1980s, it became the dominant paradigm for academic studies in the humanities and a powerful influence in the social sciences.
The effects of post modern period on narration and literature:
Narration the process of relating a sequence of events; or another term for a narrative. In the first sense, narration is often distinguished from other kinds of writing (dialogue description, commentary) which may be included in a narrative; it is also distinguished from the events recounted, i.e. from the story, and from the narrative itself
Narration is important devices of literature; the nature of narration reflects the social, cultural, economic and political conditioning of the nation. Therefore these terms are co relative to each other. Narration represents the nation, nation represents culture of the people and the culture of the people reflects through the literature .For the literary manifestation, it requires language. Language is system of symbol, its symbols stands for concrete and abstract meaning of day today communication. Narration is made through the language, and language is identity of the nation. In the post modern period, substantial changes occurred in different areas, multi-culture multi- ethnic, multi-languages, multi-religion & multi philosophy emerged, it made difficult to understand the culture of the nation. Eg. Rohinton MIstry’s Such Long Journey, language this book of is the product of, Marathi, and western culture. It is very difficult to identify original culture of text & narration. Language is hybridized by unifying multi culture. Postmodern literature argues for expansion, the return of reference, the celebration of fragmentation rather than the fear of it, and the role of reference itself in literature.
Postmodernism is often used in a larger sense, meaning the entire trend of thought in the late 20th century, and the social and philosophical realities of that period. Marxist critics argue that post-modernism is symptomatic of "late capitalism" and the decline of institutions, particularly the nation-state. Other thinkers assert that post-modernity is the natural reaction to mass broadcasting and a society conditioned to mass production and mass political decision making. The ability of knowledge to be endlessly copied defeats attempts to constrain interpretation, or to set "originality" by simple means such as the production of a work. From this perspective, the schools of thought labeled "postmodern" are not as widely at odds with their time period as the polemics and arguments appear, pointing, for example, to the shift of the basis of scientific knowledge to a provisional consensus of scientists, as posited by Thomas Kuhn. Post-modernism is seen, in this view, as being conscious of the nature of the discontinuity between modern and post-modern periods which is generally present.
A nation may refer to a community of people who share a common language, culture, ethnicity, descent, and/or history in this definition, a nation has no physical borders. However, it can also refer to people who share a common territory and government (for example the inhabitants of a sovereign state) irrespective of their ethnic make-up in international relations, nation can refer to a country or sovereign state. 
The concept of nation is being changed, borders of nation are vanished, people of the nation started to come together. No border nation is the motto of new world therefore it has substantial changes on the nation. In reference to India , India adopted new economic policy in 1991, after that we find different flow of language  in India .Narration of literature is not identity for the nation ,it has broke  all borders of social, economic, and cultural values of the nation. Eg. In the Canada, there are various official languages due to the multi culture, when we come across the literature of Canada, we unable to understand the features of original Canadian culture. With that reference ‘nation’s border are not to be remaining prominent part for national identity. It does not mean that all cultural and social values mixes up, only some portion of it gives different effects .If the new economic policies continued to remain in the world after some year there will be unified culture of the world. Somehow it is good for humanity; any way with the literature we could enrich the principles of humanity.
In the literary arena, means and modes of communication are important because it plays vital role in the study of literature. National identity should be survived, for that instance we find some regional movement to preserve nation’s cultures. Culture is unique concept; it has various differences to region to region. Narration is tool in hands of the literary, academicians, philosopher, scientist and so on to reflect concrete and abstract ways of thinking and behavior. For better understanding they use appropriate ways of communication to say what they perceived. Though the substantial changes occurred in different areas, it is essential to enshrine national principles for the sake of nationalism. But due to the global effects, it destroys the main motif. Other hand there is a little hope for strong nationalism. Eg. due to the global recession there is slow down in various field(industry, real estate sector, agriculture & service sector ) most of developed nations are now saying about the strong nationalism by banning the out sourcing of the job . Most interesting before that they use to say about the liberalization in large manner. It is clearly indicates that strong nationalism is about to emerge. Though the globalization is everywhere, writer should use proper mechanism to enshrine linguistic & cultural principles of state.
Nation and narration is the most important things and they are co relative to  each other .Literature is expression of the society ,whatever things occurs in the society it reflects through the literature.

Folklore (or lore) consists of legends, musicoral historyproverbsjokespopular beliefs, fairy tales  and customs that are the traditions of a culture, subculture, or group. It is also the set of practices through which those expressive genres are shared. It plays very important role in life styles of human beings, even today folklore is most neglected part, there should be intensive attempt to be made by academicians & politicians to preserve it for the future reference. Most of part of the folklore are in spoken form, therefore it is difficult to make it available it to the people of society. Due to the global effects it is going to be diminished, if it is remain there will adverse effects on cultural heritage of the every country. Lingua franca of the every languages kill the beauty of language, but language is dynamic therefore it is acceptable, but it started to encroach on folklore, it is absolutely worst. As long as culture is there, humanity or human being exist. If cultures disturbs humanity or way of thinking disturbs. Possibility there could be negative impact on people. Therefore culture & languages accept the changes gradually For example; In the Australia, Newzeland, & Canada, we find negative growth of population of the indigenous people .Because of the intensive encroachment of modern & post modern effects on their life Their communities are in danger, could be diminished in future. Even though this statement somehow exaggerated, but when we go in history we find result. Change is the rule of nature and life, but it should happen or occur gradually, otherwise it gives adverse effect to the human. Therefore every aspect of language & culture should be handled carefully.
Nation and narration both terms are important, narration is a dynamic concept, and it changes in course of time. As per the flow & way of thinking of the people, author uses it effectively for the reader & listener’s response. Narration differs from culture to culture, nation to nation, and so on. In the changing scenario of the way of thinking and life styles of human being, it is urgent need to focus on such differences.
 Integrated culture & language is going to come in the world, due to the effect of electronic media. It challenges to basic features of the literature. If such thing remain the same, definitely after few years there will be unified, integrated & link language and culture of the world. And that will destroy the identity of the nation, narration & culture. With reference to that paper raises various questions regarding to it, which are very important. I am happy to put views forward for the consideration……..


1)      The Atlantatic Literary Review Quarterly.
2)      The Indian Economy, Quarterly
3)      Datt & Sundram ‘Indian Economy’
5)      Wikipedia
6)      Contemporary Literary Theory A Student’s Companion by N Krishnaswamy
7)      A Hand book of Literary Terms, by M. H. Abrams.

Thursday 13 February 2014

multiple choice question on criticism

Unit test Marks:20                                                                                                             Time: 30 Minutes
1)       Negative Capability means:-
a)       It is  the willingness to embrace uncertainty, live with mystery, and make peace with ambiguity
b)       It is the capability to discuss the negative points of the life
c)       Capability to neglect the positive points
d)       To enhance the willingness to adopt positive points.
2)       Read the following sentences and find the correct sentence
I)        The primary Imagination holds to be the living Power and prime Agent of all human Perception
II)     The secondary Imagination  consider as an echo of the former, co-existing with the conscious will
a)       I is correct   b) II is correct    c) Both are correct  d) Both are wrong
3)       Read the following sentences and find the correct sentence
I)                   objective correlative Popularized by T. S. Eliot
II)                in his essay "Macbeth and His Problems"
a)       I is correct   b) II is correct    c) Both are correct  d) Both are wrong
4)       Read the following sentences and find the correct sentence
I)                    Collective Unconscious has coined by Jung
II)                 Collective Unconscious can be acquired through experience
a)       I is correct   b) II is correct    c) Both are correct  d) Both are wrong
5)       Wordswoth’s Lyricall Ballad defines the subject of the poetry:-
a)       It should be related to aristocratic life
b)       It should  be related to human mind
c)       It should be related to common life
d)       It should be related to psychology
6)       Wordsworth defines poetry:-
a)       Adhoc overflow of  powerful feelings
b)       Superior flow of feelings and emotions
c)       Spontaneous overflow of  powerful feelings
d)       Spontaneous  suppression of  powerful feelings
7)       Read the following sentences and find the correct sentence
I)         Dissociation of sensibility is a literary term first used by T. S. Eliot
II)       He has written an essay “The Metaphysical Poets
III)      Amalgamating of disparate experience.
a)       I  & II are correct   b) II & III are correct    c) I & III are correct  d) All are wrong

8)       Which are the ways to express unfulfilled desires according to Fried
I)                    Tongue slip II) Sex III) writing IV) condensation
a)       I &II               b)           I, II & III                c) I, III & IV        d) All four
9)       Match the column
a)  Id
b) Ego
c) Superego
1)       Unconscious
2)       Sub conscious
3)       Conscious
a)       2,3,1               b)            2,1,3                       c) 1,2,3   d) 3,1,2
10)    “ Marriage has many pains , but celibacy has no pleasure” which is the figures of the speech
a)       Antithesis      b) Paradox            c) Epigram  d) Simile
11)   Arnold’s concept of poetry as…….
a)       Appreciation of life
b)       Reinforcement of life
c)       Positiveness of life
d)       Criticism of life
12)    Sigmund Fried , ‘Day dreaming and creative writer’ relates to:-
a)       Psychic pleasure and work
b)       Author and work
c)       Ego & Superego
d)       Fantasies and experience
13)   Which is  not characteristics of Metaphysical poetry.
a)       Concentrated complex and difficult thought
b)       Dramatic, with abrupt aggressive opening but modulating tones.
c)       Use of conceits
d)       Simple language
14)    Metaphysical Sensibility means:-
a)     Which enabled them to assimilate and fuse  most disparate and heterogeneous experiences
b)     Fused together homogenous experience
c)      To collect tranquillity
d)     Fusion of all confusion
15)   Personal Unconscious means….
a)       It is inherited and basic instincts of the human being
b)       It can be achieved through experience
c)       It can be achieved through education
d)       It can be achieved through collective efforts
16)   Matthew Arnold  a Literary Critic from which period:
a)       Victorian Period
b)       Romantic Period
c)       Modern Period
d)       Augustan Period
17)   Period of Romantic Era
a)       1798 to 1835
b)       1901 to 1945
c)       1835 to 1900
d)       1650 to 1798
18)   Read the following sentences and find the correct sentence
I)                   Lrical Ballads published in 1800
II)                It addresses to poetry
a)      I is correct   b) II is correct    c) Both are correct  d) Both are wrong
19)   Meta physical  means..
a)       Beyond the nature b) behind the life  C) up to the nature d) Amalgamation of the human life
20)   Negative capability used by John Keats in first time
a)       To address letter to his brother
b)       To address letter to his friend
c)       To address letter to his mother
d)       To address letter to his life

*********************All the Best*********************************************